The Starlite travertine deposit is located on Arthur Creek, 2 kilometres northeast of the highway and the village of Hills. The area is 2.5 kilometres north of Slocan Lake.
Travertine deposits are actively precipitating from warm springs and are exposed in several waterfalls on Arthur Creek. Textures of the travertine (Grove, 1975) range from open and spongy to massive and banded. Some of the travertine has encapsulated rock fragments and is termed "conglomerate". The colour is "uniformly amber or banded light/dark amber" (Grove, 1975). The deposits are exposed discontinuously over a vertical interval of approximately 100 metres. An estimated 370,000 tonnes of travertine is reported to be of low quality (Northcote, 1982).
The Starlite deposit is one of several travertine deposits in the area between Slocan Lake and Kaslo. Better exposed examples are in highway cuts at Ainsworth Hot Springs and on the highway a few kilometres west of Kaslo. According to D. Hora the deposits have little economic potential (D. Hora, personal communication, 1995).