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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  12-Dec-1995 by Keith J. Mountjoy (KJM)

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NMI 082K3 Ag7
Name JO-JO (L.1839), JO JO, JO JO GROUP, JO JO MINE, HALTON CHIEF (L.2158), JOE JOE, JO-JO, MINER BOY GROUP Mining Division Slocan
BCGS Map 082K004
Status Past Producer NTS Map 082K03E
Latitude 050º 03' 49'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 14' 14'' Northing 5545730
Easting 483021
Commodities Silver, Lead, Zinc, Gold, Copper Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Jo Jo occurrence is located at 1554 metres elevation on O.K. Creek, a tributary to Kane Creek on the northwestern slopes of London Ridge. The former McAllister mine (082KSW025) is located 1.0 kilometre to the south-southeast.

The Jo Jo claim group, reported to consist of four claims, has been worked intermittently since 1904. In 1946, Trimetals Mining Incorporated purchased the Jo Jo and Miner Boy (082KSW027) mineral claims but no work was reported. In the following year, work under the Miner Boy Incorporated included 5 metres of drifting in the No. 1 adit and 48 metres of crosscutting in the No. 3 adit. No further work was done until 1966, when exploration work was conducted by the Banjo Syndicate of Vananda Exploration Limited. Underground drilling was done on the No. 3 level without success. Caving ground was encountered and prevented drilling from reaching the expected extension of the Jo Jo vein. A second drill program was conducted by the London Silver Corporation in 1981 with no further success. Four diamond-drill holes totalling 399 metres were drilled. Some small quartz veins with silver-bearing sulphides hosted in quartz porphyry were intersected in drillhole J-4. No significant metal values were determined, however, the western extension of the Jo Jo vein beyond the No. 2 level was implied.

The Jo Jo occurrence is underlain by slate and thinly bedded, calcareous argillite of the Triassic Slocan Group. Several quartz porphyry dikes intrude this Slocan strata.

At the Jo Jo occurrence, a quartz vein was explored in O.K. Creek. The vein was explored by two adit-tunnels, 40 vertical metres apart. High grade silver-bearing minerals, pyrite, galena and sphalerite are disseminated throughout the quartz and also occur as small, rich ore shoots. Argentite, tetrahedrite and native silver in a quartz gangue comprise mineralization found in the lower adit.

Ore was first extracted from the upper adit, where a 27-metre crosscut intersected a narrow quartz vein. This was drifted for 34 metres easterly. At 20 metres from the crosscut, a high-grade ore shoot was stoped to near the surface. The vein was followed for a considerable distance in the lower adit, intersecting a little ore.

Production records for the Jo Jo occurrence indicate 131 tonnes mined with 603,087 grams silver, 62 grams gold, 9655 kilograms lead and 528 kilograms zinc recovered intermittently between 1904 and 1947.

EMPR AR 1899-844; 1904-182,202; 1905-161; 1906-249; 1907-214; 1910- 99; 1911-134; 1916-516; *1918-167; 1922-200; 1924-197; 1929-312; 1936-E52; 1946-161; *1947-169; 1964-122; *1966-223
EMPR GEM 1969-330, Fig. 41
EMPR PF (Cairn Mines Ltd. (1971): Prospectus)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Vananda Exploration Ltd.)
GSC ANN RPT 1918, p. 167
GSC MAP 1667
GSC OF 432; *464