The Shamrock showing is located on a northern slope of Watch Peak, approximately 6.5 kilometres northwest of Panorama. The property has been explored historically with a number of open cuts, pits and some adits; one with an ore dump or waste pile. In 1996, a program of trenching and a magnetometer survey was performed.
Regionally, the area is underlain by Proterozoic clastic sedimentary rocks of the Purcell and Windermere supergroups and by Lower Paleozoic strata of the Beaverfoot and Mount Forster formations.
Locally, the showing is within the upper dolomite member of the Mount Nelson Formation, immediately below the Windermere unconformity.
Mineralization is described as being similar to that of the Paradise Mine (MINFILE 082KSE029), 1.8 kilometres to the southeast.
In 1996, trenching exposed a showing of high- grade lead- zinc- silver ore. No grades are reported (Assessment Report 25172).