The Schroeder Creek limestone quarry is situated just south of the mouth of Schroeder Creek, on the west shore of Kootenay Lake, in the Slocan Mining Division.
Regionally, the area lies within the Kootenay Arc near the margin of the Ancestral North American Terrane. The Kootenay Arc is a curving belt of highly deformed metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks which includes the Upper Proterozoic Horsethief Creek Group, the Eocambrian Hamill Group, the Lower Cambrian Badshot Formation, and the lower Paleozoic Lardeau Group. The volcano-sedimentary sequence is intruded by numerous Ordovician, Devonian and Mississippian granitoid plutons. The rocks have undergone regional metamorphism to middle or upper greenschist facies (Paper 1993-1).
Limestone was quarried and used as flux for the smelter at Nelson earlier this century. The quarry lies in a band of light grey to dark grey, massive, coarse-grained limestone of the Lower Cambrian Badshot Formation that trends north-northwest for 2.0 kilometres, crossing the creek 0.4 kilometre above its mouth. The bed dips steeply to the east. Underlying quartzites of the Lower Cambrian Hamill Group outcrop to the west. Two grab samples assayed as follows in per cent (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 173, page 34):
Sample CaCO3 MgCO3 Insolubles Fe2O3+Al2O3
1 89.28 6.81 2.91 0.48
2 96.07 2.50 0.52 0.56
Sample 1 is of dark grey limestone, and Sample 2 is of light grey limestone.