EMPR AR *1959-170,171
EMPR BULL 49, pp. 24,25, Fig.3
EMPR FIELDWORK *1986, pp. 313-317; 1992, pp. 9-16
EMPR INF CIRC 1988-6, p. 20
EMPR OF 1992-18, p. 103
EMPR PF (82KSE General File - Geology map by P. Billingsley, 1958)
GSC MAP 12-1957; 235A; 1326A
GSC MEM 161, p. 114; 369, pp. 58,59,118
CANMET RPT *452, Vol.5, pp. 128-134; *811, Part 5, pp. 207-210
Pope, A.J. (1989): The Tectonics and Mineralization of the Toby- Horsethief Creek Area, Purcell Mountains, Southeast British Columbia, Canada, unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, England