The Great Western property, comprising the Great Western (Lot 4503), Young Canuck (Lot 4501), June, Silver Tip and All Blue claims, is located two kilometres north of Whiskey Point on the north shore of the Northeast Arm of Upper Arrow Lake. The claims extend from lake level, at 425 metres elevation, to 900 metres elevation on the southeast slopes of Mount Sproat. The property is reached from the shoreline of Arrow Lake and short access roads.
The rocks underlying the claim group are undivided units of the Cambrian to Devonian Broadview Formation (Lardeau Group) consisting of grey to white crystalline limestone, green chloritic schist and a granodiorite body. The Lardeau rocks strike southeast at 120 degrees on average. The large granodiorite body is generally concordant with these beds and is thought to be Cretaceous in age.
The lowest showing located at 60 metres above the lake consists of a width of 3.5 metres of quartz in granodiorite. Galena and pyrite occur sparingly along the fractures and as disseminations in both the quartz vein and the granodiorite body. At 210 metres above the lake, at the face of a short adit, mineralization occurs across a width of 2.4 metres. Higher above the lake, at 440 metres, white and grey marble on the east side of the granodiorite body contains small irregular masses of serpentinite and barite plus irregular galena replacements.
In 1929, Mr. W. Pelky located the June and Silver Tip mineral claims. In 1951-52, Samson Mines, Limited completed exploratory work, built a short road to the upper showings and a small amount of opencut work was done.