The Imperial adjoins the Eva (082KNW066) on the southwest and Criterion (082KNW065) on the west. Quartz veins with pyrite, sphalerite and galena, occur in isoclinally folded argillite and quartzites of the Lardeau Group.
In 1900, this group consisted of the Imperial, Balfour, and Rossland claims, and adjoined the Eva group on the south-east. The quartz on this group is auriferous, but sufficient work had not yet been done to determine its continuity. The Imperial Development Syndicate had taken over this property, and a crew of 6 men were work. The vein is reported to be about 30 metres wide.
The Great Northern Mines Ltd. held the Imperial group in 1903 in consolidation with several other adjacent claim groups. The Imperial and Balfour claims were Crown-granted in 1903 to C. Menhinick, J. J. Foley and unnamed others. In 1934 the Imperial was held along with a number of adjacent claims by the Meridian Mining Company Ltd.
Granges Inc. held the property as part of the Lucky Strike group of claims in 1988. One of their maps shows gold geochemistry over the Imperial and Balfour claims along with the location of some workings. A sample taken near an adit on the Imperial claim assayed 15.22 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18232).