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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  30-Oct-1998 by B. Neil Church (BNC)

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Name CHOLLA (L.5399), TREADWELL (L.5402), DORA (L.5182), L.V. FR. (L.5401), CHOLLER, THELMA (L.5183), MERIDIAN, TUSCON (L.5400), BLUE JAY (L.5184), BALFOUR (L.4777), SILVER WEDGE (L.9136), GRIZZLY, TAMMY, LUCKY STRIKE, CAM Mining Division Revelstoke
BCGS Map 082K072
Status Past Producer NTS Map 082K13E
Latitude 050º 47' 36'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 37' 58'' Northing 5627034
Easting 455401
Commodities Gold, Silver Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
T01 : Tailings
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Kootenay
Capsule Geology

The Cholla is part of the Meridian property (082KNW064). The Cholla claim group on Lexington Mountain adjoins the west margin of the Eva (082KNW066) and Criterion-Oyster (082KNW065) groups and extends beyond Pool Creek to Camborne.

The country rocks are phyllites of the Broadview Formation of the Lower Paleozoic Lardeau Group.

The quartz veins on these claims are all gold bearing, however, there is little development other than two short adits, 38 metres apart, driven on the Cholla vein. The Cholla is a well defined vertical, north-trending quartz vein cutting phyllites that strike 110 degrees and dip 85 degrees northerly. A sample from the upper adit, 1.5 metres across the face, assayed 18.5 grams per tonne gold and 13.7 grams per tonne silver. A manganese enriched, pyritic sample from the same general area assayed 41 grams per tonne gold and trace silver. A sample from the lower adit, one metre across the vein containing many fragments of phyllite in the quartz, assayed 13.7 grams per tonne gold (Annual Report 1914, page 256).

In 1975, Doug Hopper evaluated the mineral content of the tailings pond on the Treadwell and Cam claims. Nine auger holes, for a total of 31.7 metres averaged 1.3 grams per tonne gold and 58.3 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 5690). The pond measures about 200 by 50 metres. Metallurgical tests were run in 1976.

EM FIELDWORK 1998, pp. 193-222
EMPR AR 1899-675; 1902-H142; 1903-H129; 1904-G296; 1914-K256; 1924-B367; 1925-A261,A450; 1926-271,449; 1932-A181; 1933-A215; 1934-E34
EMPR ASS RPT 5172, 5690, 6021, 7013, 11177, 18232
EMPR BULL 1, p. 111; 3, p. 30
EMPR EXPL 1975-E49; 1978-E85; 1979-93
EMPR MR MAP 2 (1928)
EMPR PF (Starr, C.C. (1933): Notes on the Meridian Mine in 082KNW064; Gibson, S. (1935): Plan of Workings; O'Grady, B.T. (1933): Criterion Workings, 1"= 50'; Emmens, N.W. and McDougall, B.W.W. (1933): Plan of Criterion Workings with Assays, 1"= 50'; Criterion No. 1 & 2 Tunnels, 1"= 40' (date unknown); McDougall, B.W.W. (1934): Plan of Assays of Criterion No. 2, 1"= 50; McDougall, B.W.W. (1934): Plan of Assays of Rossland Tunnel & Criterion No. 1, 1" = 50'; Emmens, N.W. (1934): Report on Meridian Mine, in 082KNW064; Langley, A.G. (1933): General Summary of Progress, in 082KNW064; McDougall, B.W.W. (1934): The Meridian Mine, in 082KNW064; Emmens, N.W. (1914): Report on the Mineral Resources of the Lardeau Mining Division, pp. 19-21, in 082KNW General)
GSC MEM 161, pp. 36,39
GSC OF 288; 432; 464
GSC SUM RPT 1903, p. 58
Placer Dome File