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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  30-Oct-1998 by B. Neil Church (BNC)

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Name EVA (L.5172), MERIDIAN, IRON DOLLAR (L.5173), LAST CHANCE (L.5174), STOCKHOLM (L.6934), WEDGE FR. (L.5176), STOCKHOLM FR. (L.5424), HIGHLAND MARY (L.5171), LUCKY STRIKE Mining Division Revelstoke
BCGS Map 082K072
Status Past Producer NTS Map 082K13E
Latitude 050º 47' 48'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 37' 46'' Northing 5627403
Easting 455640
Commodities Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Kootenay
Capsule Geology

The Eva is part of the Meridian property (082KNW064). The first discovery of gold in the district was on the Eva claim (082KNW066). In 1900 an inexperienced prospector searching for silver-lead ores found what is now known as the Eva lode. Assays showed high gold values and a staking rush followed. By 1902 a group of 21 claims was assembled forming the nucleus of the property and much surface work together with more than 490 metres of lineal underground development was completed by Imperial Development Syndicate Ltd. At the end of mine operations in 1908 development comprised 945 metres of drifting on seven levels, 610 metres of crosscuts, 115 metres of raises and 23 metres of shaft sinking.

The Eva mine explores and develops two veins lying in and along two fault planes connected by numerous cross veins and stringers. The direction of the veins is about 120 degrees, cutting the host rocks at a low angle. On the No. 6 level the confining faults are 53 metres apart and dip away from each other. Since the veins follow these faults and converge upward, they are only 27 metres apart on the No. 2 level (150 metres above).

The country rocks (Broadview Formation of the Lower Paleozoic Lardeau Group) are spotted phyllite cut by yellow-weathering schistose diabase. The veins are quartz accompanied by siderite and a small amount of sulphides and some free gold. The sulphides consist of pyrite, a little galena and some sphalerite. The veins vary in width from a few inches to several metres. Gouge along the faults has evidently confined the ore-bearing solution within these planes and the crushed country rock between them.

Production from the Eva from 1903 to 1908 totalled 28,718 tonnes resulting in 235.2 kilograms of gold and 30.8 kilograms of silver. See Meridian for production details.

Duval Corporation mapped and sampled the old workings in 1968. Madison Oils Limited optioned the property in 1978. Granges Exploration Ltd. optioned the property from Lucky Strike Resources Ltd. in 1987 and conducted surveys and sampling. In 1989, Kelozo Resources Inc. drilled 6 holes, totalling 639.5 metres, and conducted a geophysical survey on the Stockholm claim.

EM FIELDWORK 1998, pp. 193-222
EMPR AR 1899-676,678; 1900-812; 1901-1021; 1902-142; 1903-107,127, 131; 1904-G119; 1905-J156; 1906-136,139,249; 1907-94,214; 1908-247; 1910-K95; 1914-252; 1918-190; 1925-261; 1926-271; 1929-340; 1932-181; 1933-213; 1934-E34; 1935-E31,G51; 1968-265
EMPR ASS RPT 5172, 7013, *18232, *20054
EMPR BULL 1, p. 111
EMPR EXPL 1975-E49; 1978-E85; 1979-93
EMPR MR MAP 2 (1928)
EMPR PF (Starr, C.C. (1933): Notes on the Meridian Mine in 082KNW064; Gibson, S. (1935): Plan of Workings; O'Grady, B.T. (1933): Criterion Workings, 1"= 50'; Emmens, N.W. and McDougall, B.W.W. (1933): Plan of Criterion Workings with Assays, 1"= 50'; Criterion No. 1 & 2 Tunnels, 1"= 40' (date unknown); McDougall, B.W.W. (1934): Plan of Assays of Criterion No. 2, 1"= 50; McDougall, B.W.W. (1934): Plan of Assays of Rossland Tunnel & Criterion No. 1, 1" = 50'; Emmens, N.W. (1934): Report on Meridian Mine, in 082KNW064; Langley, A.G. (1933): General Summary of Progress, in 082KNW064; McDougall, B.W.W. (1934): The Meridian Mine, in 082KNW064; Emmens, N.W. (1914): Report on the Mineral Resources of the Lardeau Mining Division, pp. 19-21, in 082KNW General)
GSC MEM 161, pp. 19,35-38
GSC OF 288; 432; 464
GSC SUM RPT 1903, p. 58A
GCNL #195(Oct.11), 1978
Placer Dome File
EMPR PFD 3953, 3954, 3955, 3956, 3957, 3958, 750208