The V showing is located about 2.5 kilometres north of where Foster Creek is joined by Irish Creek. Kodiak Mines Ltd. explored the area in 1967 and discovered this showing about 1 kilometre east of their V claims.
In 1971, Canadian Johns-Manville Company staked the CC claims after locating a copper showing in diabase about 1.5 kilometres due south of the V showing. The CC claims appear to cover the area where the V showing plots. See CC (082KNE055) for a description of the CC showings.
Several narrow north to northwest trending gossan zones, varying up to 1 metre in width, are found in sediments of the Middle Proterozoic Mount Nelson Formation (Purcell Supergroup). Weathering is deep and no sulphides were observed. In the same area, chalcopyrite was noted in a 6-metre wide dolomite horizon, a grab sample of which assayed 0.25 per cent copper (Assessment Report 1254).