The Blondie property is underlain by steeply dipping coarse clastic sedimentary rocks of the Upper Proterozoic Horsethief Creek Group. These are described as dominantly thin-bedded black graphitic slate, phyllitic argillite and interbedded silty limestone with minor quartz grit, quartz pebble conglomerate and rare limestone.
Four massive sulphide beds are known to occur in the phyllitic argillite-silty limestone unit. At surface the sulphide beds range in thickness between 0.20 metre and 2.8 metres. The massive sulphide consists of mainly pyrrhotite, pyrite, minor chalcopyrite and very rare bismuthinite. The best average grade over a 2.8-metre width is reported to be 0.27 per cent copper, 0.015 per cent bismuth and 1.17 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 15320).
In 1983, the Blondie property was under option to Cominco Ltd. from owners V. Winser and G. Larrabee. Cominco collected 291 soil samples in that year. In 1986, two diamond-drill holes were drilled (totalling 143.3 metres) on the property by owners G. Larrabee, V, Winser, V. Newbury and J. Pannatoni. The holes intersected the target sulphide horizons at shallow depths but did not find any significant improvement in the grades or thickness.