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File Created: 13-Oct-1989 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)
Last Edit:  01-Jan-0001 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)

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BCGS Map 082J031
Status Showing NTS Map 082J05W
Latitude 050º 18' 24'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 115º 49' 48'' Northing 5573383
Easting 583315
Commodities Dolomite Deposit Types R10 : Dolomite
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

Dolomite of the Middle Ordovician to Silurian Beaverfoot Formation forms a spur that rises southeastward along the south side of Geary Creek, just northeast of the north end of Columbia Lake. The dolomite is exposed along the crest of the spur over a length of 3.8 kilometres, with a width of up to 1200 metres. Bedding strikes 105 to 120 degrees and dips 30 to 45 degrees north. The unit is in fault contact to the northwest with dolomite of the Middle-Upper Cambrian Jubilee Formation and slate, quartzite and conglomerate of the Hadrynian Horsethief Creek Group. Underlying limestone and argillite of the Upper Cambrian to Middle Ordovician Sabine Formation (McKay Group) outcrops to the south.

The deposit is comprised of very fine grained, dark bluish grey, thickly bedded dolomite. Chip samples collected from various places over the spur analyzed 30.39 per cent CaO, 21.26 per cent MgO, 1.40 per cent SiO2, 0.40 per cent Al2O3, 0.30 per cent Fe2O3 and trace sulphur (CANMET Report 811, page 214, Sample 93).

EMPR BULL 35, p. 25
GSC MEM 148, pp. 31-34
GSC OF 634
CANMET RPT 811, Part 5, pp. 214-215