Up to ten coal horizons were intersected by drilling in the Jurassic-Cretaceous Mist Mountain Formation (Kootenay Group). The horizons often consist of several coal benches with thicknesses of individual seams varying from 0.3 to 10.8 metres and total coal horizon thicknesses varying from 0.7 to 10.8 metres. The calculated true thickness of mineable coal (seams greater than 1.8 metres) is 54.9 metres, with the total thickness of coal intersected being 117 metres. Calculated characteristics of 1/4 inch float at 1.55 specific gravity are as follows: 2.88 to 23.3 per cent ash, 24.8 to 34.6 per cent volatile matter, 56.3 to 66.1 per cent fixed carbon, 0.34 to 0.62 per cent (one sample 0.87 per cent) sulphur and Free Swelling Index ranging from 3.97 to 9.35.
The Vincent Option property lies within the Lewis thrust plate and the local structure consists of a major north-northwest trending, south plunging syncline and anticline. Parallel to these are many minor folds. The strata are cut to the west by the major Borgeau thrust fault which is northwest trending and west dipping. Several minor parallel thrusts occur to the east and north.