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File Created: 01-Mar-1986 by Eileen Van der Flier Keller (EVFK)
Last Edit:  22-Nov-2017 by Jessica Norris (JRN)

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Name ELK RIVER, WEARY RIDGE, ELCO Mining Division Fort Steele
BCGS Map 082J046
Status Developed Prospect NTS Map 082J07W
Latitude 050º 24' 00'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 114º 56' 04'' Northing 5585145
Easting 646795
Commodities Coal Deposit Types A04 : Bituminous coal
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

Approximately 900 metres of coal measures are present in the Jurassic-Cretaceous Mist Mountain Formation (Kootenay Group). The lower 600 metres contain around 20 seams subdivided into as many as 60 splits, with a combined coal thickness of approximately 90 metres. Ash contents vary from 19 to 60 per cent (30 to 40 per cent in the run-of-Mine coal). Seams 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 4, 6 and 7 are low volatile bituminous in rank, the coking capacity varying from moderate to good in seams 2 and 3, to poor in 4, 6 and 7. Seams 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 are medium volatile bituminous in rank with good coking capacity while seams 16, 17, 18 and 19 are high volatile bituminous in rank with excessive coking capacity.

Projected specifications of the final coal product (blend from the lower and upper seams) are 9.5 per cent ash, 19 to 21 per cent volatile matter and 0.6 per cent sulphur with a Free Swelling Index value of 6.5.

The structure consists of the north-northwest trending northern extension of the Alexander Creek syncline. The syncline is asymmetric with beds on the west side near vertical while strata on the east limb dip 35 to 45 degrees west. The syncline is overridden and truncated along the west flank by the Elk River thrust fault. The Lewis thrust fault is believed to be present 2,400 to 3,000 metres below the Elk River.

A 36 year open pit mine plan has been developed which will produce 4 million tonnes of clean coal per year (overall stripping ratio 3.27 billion cubic metres per tonne). Similar open pit reserves extend southward into the Big Weary Ridge area with 20 additional years of mining at a similar rate, but at a higher stripping ratio (6.0 billion cubic metres per tonne).

Total coal in-place of the Elk River deposit is 4513 million tonnes (Elk River Coal Project, Stage II Report, Volume II - Technical Description, August 1978). In addition, underground measured reserves of clean coking coal from within the total licence area are estimated to be in the order of 889 million tonnes for coking coal and 731 million tonnes for thermal coal (Elk River Coal Project, Stage II Report, Volume II - Technical Description, August 1978).

Through a series of complex acquisitions, starting with the original owner Scurry-Rainbow Oil Ltd in 1967, as of 2008, the Elco (Elk River) property is owned by Teck Coal Ltd (75 per cent) and Devon Energy Corporation (25 per cent).

As of 2014, Resources at Elco include 25.3 million tonnes (Measured), 116.2 million tonnes (Indicated) and 116.2 million tonnes (Inferred) of metallurgical coal. Additional Resources of 0.7 million tonnes (Measured), 6.2 million tonnes (Indicated), and 6.0 million tonnes (Inferred) of thermal coal have also been reported at Elco (2014 Teck Annual Information Form

As of December 2016, resources include 25.1 million tonnes (Measured), 115.3 million tonnes (Indicated) and 112.3 million tonnes (Inferred) of metallurgical coal. Additional Resources of 0.7 million tonnes (Measured), 6.1 million tonnes (Indicated), and 6.0 million tonnes (Inferred) of thermal coal have also been reported (2016 Teck Annual Information Form,

EMPR COAL ASS RPT *272, *273, *274, *275, *276, *278, *279, *280, 829, 976
EMPR FIELDWORK 1979, pp. 91-96; 1991, pp. 405-417
EMPR GEM 1969-420; 1970-524
EMPR MAP 65 (1989)
EMPR OF 1992-1
GSC P 89-4