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File Created: 14-Apr-1993 by Kirk Hancock (KDH)
Last Edit:  14-Apr-1993 by Kirk Hancock (KDH)

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Name PINTO Mining Division Golden
BCGS Map 082J051
Status Showing NTS Map 082J12W
Latitude 050º 31' 32'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 115º 53' 51'' Northing 5597647
Easting 578147
Commodities Barite, Fluorite Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Pinto barite-fluorite showings extend from the head of Burnai Creek northwest to a branch of Shuswap creek, about 10 kilometres northeast of Windermere. The showings were staked in 1989 by Mr. A. Louie.

Host rocks are thick-bedded, grey dolomites of the Ordovician-Silurian Beaverfoot Formation. Mineralization occurs in breccias within grey to greenish grey dolomite. A combination of white dolomite, calcite, barite and purple fluorite infill the breccia. The minerals generally occur as subhedral to euhedral crystals 1 to 3 millimetres in diameter. Filled void space may comprise up to 50 per cent of the rock. Galena is present as small, disseminated grains (less than one per cent) and hydrozincite is also present in trace amounts.

Seven showings follow a north-northwest trend, parallel to bedding in the Beaverfoot Formation, along the base of Pinto mountain. The stratigraphy is normal to structurally inverted by backthrusting and folding associated with the Laramide orogeny. Mineralization appears to be stratigraphically limited to the middle and lower Beaverfoot Formation.

A sample assayed 16.79 per cent barium, 0.2 per cent strontium, 0.0007 per cent copper, 0.0017 per cent lead and 0.0035 per cent zinc (Open File, in prep 1993). Four samples from drill core analysed for fluorine yielded the following values: 3.4 per cent over 3 metres, 0.74 per cent over 3 metres, 0.82 per cent over 3 metres, 0.052 per cent over 3 metres from top to bottom of the hole. Work on the showings includes several hand trenches a 13.9 metre x-ray diamond drill hole on showing #2.

EMPR OF 1992-14; (in prep.): Barite Occurrences in B.C.; 1992-16