More than 50 seams, ranging in thickness from 0.12 to 5.5 metres, are present in the Jurassic-Cretaceous Mist Mountain Formation (484 metres thick) (Kootenay Group) in the area. The coal which ranges from medium to high volatile in rank, is interbedded with siltstone, sandstone, mudstone and shale. Coal seams are also present in the overlying Elk Formation, however, they are thin, relatively uncommon and may be very shaly.
The Upper Elk River Valley occurrence area is dominated structurally by the Bourgeau thrust fault, (northwest trending, west dipping) towards the west, and the northwest trending Alexander Creek syncline to the east. The syncline is asymmetrical, plunges both north and south, and consists of two en echelon synclines separated by a short connecting anticline.