The SFBK18 occurrence is located about 3.5 kilometres east-northeast of the village of Moyie.
The SFBK18 showing is underlain by rocks of the Helikian Creston Formation (Purcell Supergroup) consisting of quartzites, siltstones and argillites. The area is transected by several important base metal-bearing structures (St. Eugene (082GSW025), North Break, Old Yeller (082GSW111), etc.) but much of the area is masked by overburden.
Hole SFBK18-02 encountered a number of weakly mineralized chalcopyrite plus/minus lead sulphide (galena)-bearing intervals both as disseminations and in thin quartz-carbonate-chlorite veinlets. The hole also intersected a number of pyrite-bearing medium to thickly bedded fine-grained quartzite. The hole was intended to pierce through the Lower Creston Formation, however no major lithological breaks occurred.
Refer to Gold Burp (082GSW085) for related geological and work history details.