The Belch showing is located about 3.5 kilometres east-southeast of the village of Moyie, near the headwaters of Glencairn Creek.
The Belch showings consist of several scattered occurrences of copper located about 3.6 kilometres east-southeast of Moyie. The area is underlain by rocks of the Helikian Creston Formation (Purcell Supergroup) consisting of quartzites, siltstones and argillites. The area is transected by several important base metal-bearing structures (St. Eugene (082GSW025), North Break, Old Yeller (082GSW111), etc.) but much of the area is masked by overburden. An outcrop area about 150 by 75 metres contains scattered showings of chalcopyrite (Assessment Report 38925, Geological Mapping Barkshanty Area).
Refer to Golden Burp (082GSW085) related geological and work history details.