The Maxiwam showing on Sheep Mountain is underlain by undivided sedimentary rock of the mesoproterozoic Purcell Supergroup, Roosville Formation. Two samples 7 and 8 were collected in 2007 from bedded quartzite and siltstone that contained chalcopyrite, malachite, and azurite. These graded 0.16 per cent copper, and returned strongly elevated mercury and weakly elevated molybdenum and zinc (Assessment Report 29552). Quartz veinlets and veins hosting sulphides are common in the Sheep Mountain area.
In 2007, a prospecting and rock geochemistry program was conducted on mineral tenures 372755, 555975, 555976, 555977, 556361, and 557771, near the confluence of the Wigwam and Elk rivers on behalf of owners Robert Morris and Craig Kennedy (Assessment Report 29552). MINFILE occurrences Ramshorn (082GSW010), Jennie (082GSW011), Sweet May (082GSW012), Silver King showing (082GSW028), and Leah (082GSW029) were covered by these tenures, also known as the Wigwam (082GSW096) and Maxiwam claims. Eight man-days were spent prospecting and collecting rock samples at Sheep Mountain. Over the course of the program 59 rock samples were collected in total.
Refer to Silver King (082GSW028) and Ramshorn (082GSW010) for further information on the geological setting of Sheep Mountain and a more complete work history.