The Scherf occurrence is located 70 kilometres southeast of Cranbrook in southeastern British Columbia.
The region of the Scherf showing is underlain by Mesoproterozoic (Helikian) Undivided Purcell Supergroup strata (on the east) and Kitchener Formation dolomite and dolomitic siltstone (on the west). The undivided strata on the east consists of Nicol Creek, Sheppard, Gateway, Phillips, and Roosville formation rock, which coorelates with the Dutch Creek Formation.
In 2011, operator Kootenay Silver Inc. collected 14 rock samples on areas north of Phillips Creek and near Rainbow, Miller, and Scherf creeks, several kilometres to the north of Phillips Creek. The highest copper and silver values obtained were 2.025 per cent and 16.2 grams per tonne (respectively) from a grab sample of altered chlorite-rich fracturing cutting Lower Sheppard conglomerate (sample MK11-8, Assessment Report 32994). Kootenay Silver reported that "the sample was collected from a large zone (greater than 350 meters in strike length) of goethite, sericite, carbonate, chlorite, and manganese altered pebble conglomerate and trachytic material on the south side of Scherf Creek. The zone appears to be near the contact with overlying stromatalitic dolomite of the Sheppard Formation and may be a continuation of the Roo mineralization in Phillips Creek. Elevated values for molybdenum, lead, silver, cobalt and barium were also obtained from this zone."
In 2011, operator Kootenay Silver Inc. conducted an exploration program on the Green Economy and Robocop mineral claims consisting of prospecting, rock sampling and reconnaissance mapping on Rainbow, Miller and Scherf creeks, and the area north of Phillip's Creek (Assessment Report 32994). Fourteen samples were collected and analyzed with the best results obtained from a large zone of altered Lower Sheppard Formation conglomerates and trachyte south of Scherf Creek, later (2022) added to MINFILE as the Scherf showing. Significant results were also obtained from sampling on Miller Creek (082GSW093). One sample with low results was taken along Rainbow Creek.
The 2018 exploration program of Grizzly Discoveries Inc. on the Robocop property consisted of rock sampling and geologic mapping (Assessment Report 37745). The rock sampling program targeted the strata bound copper mineralization within the Sheppard Formation of the Purcell Supergroup. A total of 39 rock samples were collected, returning 11 samples with anomalous copper values ranging from 0.069 per cent to greater than 1 per cent, and four samples with greater than 0.27 per cent copper. Analysis of cobalt returned one anomalous sample with greater than 0.034 per cent cobalt. Local outcrop mapping was done on the northern claim to see if the prospective lower Sheppard Formation and the underlying contact, with the Nicol Creek Formation, could be identified and a northern extension of the units mapped. Sampling was completed at the Green (082GSW020), Roo (082GSW019), and Philips Creek (082GSE001) prospects as well as along Rainbow, Miller, and Scherf creeks. New MINFILE showings are the Miller Time (082GSW093) and Scherf (082GSW094) showings.
The 2021 exploration program of Grizzly Discoveries Inc. on the Robocop property consisted of rock and soil sampling, geologic mapping, and an airborne magnetic and electromagnetic geophysical survey (Assessment Report 39963).
Refer to Roo (082GSW019) and Green (082GSW020) prospects for related geological and work history information.