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File Created: 20-May-2022 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  31-Jul-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name MILLER TIME, MILLER CREEK, ROBOCOP Mining Division Fort Steele
BCGS Map 082G005
Status Showing NTS Map 082G03E
Latitude 049º 03' 36'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 115º 02' 31'' Northing 5435981
Easting 643040
Commodities Copper, Silver, Zinc Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
D03 : Volcanic redbed Cu
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Miller Time occurrence is located 70 kilometres southeast of Cranbrook in southeastern British Columbia.

The region of the Miller Time showing is underlain by Mesoproterozoic (Helikian) Undivided Purcell Supergroup strata (on the east) and Kitchener Formation dolomite and dolomitic siltstone (on the west). The undivided strata on the east consists of Nicol Creek, Sheppard, Gateway, Phillips, and Roosville formation rock, which correlates with the Dutch Creek Formation.

The showing is hosted by the Nichol Creek Volcanics on the northern slopes above Miller Creek, a west flowing drainage. In 2018, prospecting was carried out in the upper portion of the Nichol Creek in a (rare for this country) talus slope that is cut by the Miller Creek Road. Float boulders containing well mineralized quartz-carbonate/copper/sphalerite veins were traced up the slope to an old shaft that was dug on a mineralized structure. Eight samples were collected from the working which appears to have been dug on a 70-degree trending structure that has a diorite(?) dike occupying it. Mineralization occurs as disseminations and fractures of chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite, limonite, pyrite, and rare sphalerite. Also associated with the mineralization were massive hematite veins that sometimes carried significant copper and zinc mineralization. Several smaller veins of the same style were found in the area. The structure was not followed very far on strike as bedrock exposure becomes sparse. Also of note in the area was a fine grained dark green basalt flow that could be traced upwards of 150 meters and contained significant copper mineralization. Amygdules in the basalt flows also contained chalcopyrite and malachite.

The top of the Nichol Creek is marked in the area by the basal Roo Horizon which contained magnetite grains. The copper bearing Roo stratigraphy was not encountered, however, minimal time was spent above the volcanics and the recessive nature of the unit could easily conceal it.

In 2011, operator Kootenay Silver Inc. collected 14 rock samples on areas north of Phillips's, Rainbow, Miller and Scherf creeks. Five samples collected on the north side of Miller ranged from 0.2 to 1.84 per cent copper (Assessment Report 32994). In 2018 sample 18MAP020 at the Miller Creek showing graded 1.41 per cent copper, 2.4 grams per tonne silver, and cobalt at 40 parts per million (Assessment Report 37745). The 18MAP020 sample site was described as having a stockwork of quartz veins (millimetre to centimetre scale) crosscutting the host rocks (mafic/basalt) near 2 shafts. The sample was strongly rusty with malachite staining and fresh medium-grained chalcopyrite and rusted dark grey chalcopyrite (to a total of 10 to 15 per cent) as well as rusty relict trace pyrite. The basalt is moderate to strongly altered (siliceous) with moderate quartz veining.


The 2007 rock sampling program on the Robocop Property by Ruby Red Resources Inc. focused on mineral occurrences in the Phillips Creek area. The main copper-cobalt showings on the property are located within the Roo Horizon but the sampling program uncovered mineral showings within quartzites and stromatolites above the Roo Horizon and in volcanic stratigraphy below the Roo Horizon. The soil sampling program consisted of three lines of contour soil samples with the majority of the sampling conducted within the current property. The second line, running, northwest to southeast, showed a significant anomaly running over a kilometre in length with values up to 313 parts per million copper (Assessment Report 29941). This second line was between Phillips Creek and Wolf and Cabin (082GSE010) showings to the north. The third soil sample line showed a moderate anomaly, trending over 700 metres, and is potentially related to the Miller Creek showing in the vicinity. The 2007 trenching program by Ruby Red Resources was designed to re-assay the Roo showing and assess the style of mineralization. Five historic trenches were reopened and Trench number 5 was noted to display copper-bearing barite veins. All trenches to date have been completed in the same vicinity and lie within the current Property (Figure 2). Sampling was done at/near Green (082GSW020), Roo (082GSW019), Phillips Creek (082GSE001), Wolf (082GSE009), and the Miller Time (this showing) on the northern slopes of Miller Creek. Mapping and sampling occurred on the SE trending roads that are north and south of Wolf and Cabin showings.

In 2011, operator Kootenay Silver Inc. conducted an exploration program on the Green Economy and Robocop mineral claims consisting of prospecting, rock sampling and reconnaissance mapping on Rainbow, Miller and Scherf creeks, and the area north of Phillip's Creek (Assessment Report 32994). Fourteen samples were collected and analyzed with the best results obtained from a large zone of altered Lower Sheppard Formation conglomerates and trachyte south of Scherf Creek, describe in the Scherf showing (082GSW094). Significant results were also obtained from sampling on Miller Creek. One sample with low results was also taken along Rainbow Creek.

The 2018 exploration program of Grizzly Discoveries Inc. on the Robocop property consisted of rock sampling and geologic mapping (Assessment Report 37745). The rock sampling program targeted the strata bound copper mineralization within the Sheppard Formation of the Purcell Supergroup. A total of 39 rock samples were collected, returning 11 samples with anomalous copper values ranging from 0.069 per cent to greater than 1 per cent, and four samples with greater than 0.27 per cent copper. Analysis of cobalt returned one anomalous sample with greater than 0.034 per cent cobalt. Rock sample 18KRP501 (1.46 per cent copper) was collected approximately 80 metre west-northwest of the historic Green showing and fits with previously identified trends potentially extending the mineralization. Sample 18MAP020 also returned a value greater than 1 per cent copper from the northern claim (Scherf and Miller creeks) approximately 3.5 kilometres north of previously identified mineralization. Local outcrop mapping was done on the northern claim to see if the prospective lower Sheppard Formation and the underlying contact, with the Nicol Creek Formation, could be identified and a northern extension of the units mapped. Sampling was completed in the Green (082GSW020), Roo (082GSW019), and Philips Creek (082GSE001) as well as along Rainbow, Miller, and Scherf creeks. New MINFILE showings are the Miller Time (082GSW093) and Scherf (082GSW094) showings.

The 2021 exploration program of Grizzly Discoveries Inc. on the Robocop property consisted of rock and soil sampling, geologic mapping, and an airborne magnetic and electromagnetic geophysical survey (Assessment Report 39963).

Refer to Roo (082GSW019) and Green (082GSW020) prospects for related geological and work history information.

EMPR PFD 887220, *520455, 520939
EMPR OF *1988-14
GSC MAP 11-1960; 35-1961
GSC P 58-10; 61-24