The Jake Smith copper occurrence is located about 60 kilometres southeast of Fernie and a few hundred meters north of Commerce Creek. The area is underlain by siltstone, argillite, and quartzite of the Helikian Creston Formation, Purcell Supergroup. Much of the host stratigraphy was historically reported as Grinnell Formation.
In 1969, Akamina Minerals Ltd. conducted a regional mapping, and geochemical program on the Grinnell Formation, a section of which underlies the claims held by Mark V and Thor. Widespread occurrences of copper mineralization were located in the Grinnell and neighbouring formations. Some of these were trenched. Most of the resulting assays appear to have been in the 0.2 to 0.9 per cent copper range, with occasional grab samples assaying up to 5 per cent copper (Property File Document 810672). The mineralization is reported to have occurred as disseminations and fine fracture fillings in quartzite beds, in shales, and to some degree in dykes and quartz vein material.