The Langemarck Peak occurrence is located about 68 kilometres southeast of Fernie and about 3.5 kilometres south of Sage Creek.
In the showing area, chalcopyrite and bornite are disseminated within Helikian Creston Formation (Purcell Supergroup) quartzites and are locally concentrated along the margins of diorite sills of the Proterozoic Moyie Intrusions. Malachite is common on weathered surfaces. Chalcopyrite and bornite are common in veinlets within quartzites and with specularite in fractures in diorites. Much of the host stratigraphy was historically reported as being the Grinnell Formation.
In 1969, Akamina Minerals Ltd. conducted a regional mapping, and geochemical program on the Grinnell Formation, a section of which underlies the claims held by Mark V and Thor. Widespread occurrences of copper mineralization were located in the Grinnell and neighbouring formations. Some of these were trenched. Most of the resulting assays appear to have been in the 0.2 to 0.9 per cent copper range, with occasional grab samples assaying up to 5 per cent copper (Property File Document 810672). The mineralization is reported to have occurred as disseminations and fine fracture fillings in quartzite beds, in shales, and to some degree in dykes and quartz vein material.
In 1970, Strato Geological Ltd., on behalf of Mark V Mines Ltd and Thor Explorations Ltd., carried out a reconnaissance silt and soil geochemical sampling and prospecting survey on their ABC, DEF, GHI and JKL claims (Assessment Report 2746). A total of 31 rock, 28 stream silt and 60 soil samples were collected for analysis High copper values in silts were found in the areas of claim ABC 29 (082GSE054), ABC 17, and DEF 35 (082GSE093), the latter are correlated with, and explained by a copper occurrence found during the 1971 program on Grid #2 (082GSE093).
In 1970, a geological Report on the Langemark Group Sage Claims Nos. 5-16, 42, 44, 46 was completed on behalf of Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd (Assessment Report 2749). The claims were centred on Langemarck Mountain peak, extending 1400 metres to the northwest and 1400 metres to the southeast, and about 625 metres to the southwest and 625 metres to the northeast. Geological mapping and detailed examinations of sections across the copper bearing strata were completed. It appears that the ABC claim group (ABC, DEF, GHI, and JKL) held by Mark V Mines Ltd and Thor Explorations Ltd were staked over much of the same ground as the Sage claims of Falconbridge. This may have been a case of overstaking by Falconbridge as work on the ABC group was subsequently completed by Mark V and Thor in 1971 and 1972.
In 1971, soil geochemistry and geological mapping was completed and approximately 240 samples were collected on behalf of Mark V Mines Ltd and Thor Explorations Ltd. Several anomalous zones were indicated on the ABC, DEF, GHI and JKL claims (Figure 3, Assessment Report 3336).
In 1972, Mark V Mines Ltd. extended the geochemical work on the company's Sage Creek property. The claims involved were the ABC 1 to 4, and ABC 11 to 34. The soil sampling results revealed four soil new anomalies, in addition to an extension of the 1971 Grid #3 soil anomaly (ABC 16, 082GSE100) (Assessment Report 3931).