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File Created: 29-Dec-1999 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  29-Dec-1999 by Larry Jones (LDJ)

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Name FLATHEAD, WOLF, MITE, BERG, JOSE Mining Division Fort Steele
BCGS Map 082G028
Status Showing NTS Map 082G01W, 082G08W
Latitude 049º 15' 00'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 114º 25' 04'' Northing 5458457
Easting 687914
Commodities Silver, Copper, Tungsten Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Flathead Group, consisting of the Wolf, Berg, Mite and Jose claims, are located at the headwaters of the Middlepass Creek. They were staked in 1967 by H. Marasek.

The area is underlain by argillites and argillaceous limestones and dolomites of the Helikian Purcell Group. A sample of siliceous material taken from a fault zone assayed 34.29 grams per tonne silver, 1.17 per cent copper and 0.053 per cent tungsten (Lorimer, 1967).

EMPR PF (*Lorimer, M.K. (1967): Report on the Flathead Group for Silver Benn Mines Ltd., in 082FNW154)
GSC MAP 35-1961
GSC P 61-24
EMPR PFD 2412, 3482