In the Fenster Creek Phosphate occurrence area, phosphate as nodules and intraclasts occurs in the basal portion of the Permian Johnson Canyon Formation (Ishbel Group). The basal conglomerate, 25 centimetres thick, contains 4.0 per cent P2O5. This conglomerate is overlain by weakly phosphatic siltstone 1 metre thick containing 3.2 per cent P2O5, and phosphatic siltstone 0.40 metres thick containing 11.7 per cent P2O5 (Open File 1987-16). This sequence overlies, unconformably, silty limestone and limestone of the Pennsylvanian Kananaskis Formation (Spray Lakes Group). A thin band of silty limestone contains minor phosphate in the form of disseminated grains. A grab sample of this material contained 1.3 per cent P2O5.