At the Forum showing, two blue-grey dolomite beds near the central portion of the Helikian Purcell Supergroup hosts disseminated copper sulphides. The upper dolomite is 2 metres thick while the lower is about 1.8 to 3 metres thick. The dolomitic units are separated by 2 metres of red argillite. The best grades were obtained from the lower dolomite which had copper values of 0.01 per cent to a high of 1.5 per cent. Silver assayed as high as 25 grams per tonne (Assessment Report 5645).
In 1969, Akamina Minerals Ltd. conducted a regional mapping, and geochemical program. Widespread occurrences of copper mineralization were located in the Grinnell and neighbouring formations. Some of these were trenched. Most of the resulting assays appear to have been in the 0.2 to 0.9 per cent copper range, with occasional grab samples assaying up to 5 per cent copper (Property File Document 810672). The mineralization is reported to have occurred as disseminations and fine fracture fillings in quartzite beds, in shales, and to some degree in dikes and quartz vein material.
The Forum claims were staked in the late fall of 1969 after sedimentary copper had been discovered by Goble Exploration Limited in Alberta. The mineralization was subsequently traced around the rim of a syncline and into British Columbia and the western limb of the Akamina Syncline near Forum Lake. In 1975, four short AQ drill holes totaling 97.0 metre near the northwest corner of the Forum 12 claim tested the algal dolomites and revealed the presence of bornite, chalcocite, and malachite, with some tennanite and pyrolusite (Assessment Report 5695). A radiometric survey indicated anomalous radioactivity associated with the copper-bearing zones. The results of this survey were given in the report filed in 1977. In 1984, 4 diamond-drill holes (holes 6 to 9) totaling 48.6 metres were drilled on the Forum 11 and Forum 12 claims about 1300 metres north of Forum Lake (Assessment Report 13032).