The Taylor East occurrence is located approximately 30 kilometres southeast of Sparwood, British Columbia, and 4 kilometres west of the Coal Mountain Coal Mine (MINFILE 082GNE001).
Three seams are present in the Jurassic-Cretaceous Mist Mountain Formation (Kootenay Group) at Taylor Mountain East; seam 10 (stratigraphically lowest) averages 5.4 metres in thickness, seam 9, average thickness 10.7 metres, and seam 8 which is less than 1.5 metres thick.
Seam 10 is split in places into the 10 seam and the 10-1 seam with up to about 15 metres of sandstone, siltstone and shale in between the seams. The main seam 9 varies in thickness laterally. However this may be due to a considerable extent to fault repetition. Ash contents in the seams vary from 9.1 to 39.0 per cent (dry basis).
The in-place coal reserves can be subdivided as follows (in tonnes): Michel Head Pit A - 7,153,000 (seam 9) and 4,935,600 (seam 10); Michel Ridge Pit East - 311,400 (seam 9) and 2,123,000 (seam 10); Michel Ridge Pit West - 125,000 (seam M); between pits - 7,409,000 (seam 9) and 4,485,000 (seam 10). The reserves in the pits would be recovered by open pit mining methods at strip ratios from 2.5:1 to 8.3:1. Some 2,271,954 tonnes of in place coal reserves are present at the Michel Head Pit B (seam 9) - open pit reserves with a stripping ratio of less than 3:1.
The major structure in the area is a north-northwest trending syncline whose axis runs parallel to Michel Ridge. The Michel Ridge Pit West lies on the west limb and axis of the syncline while the Michel Ridge Pit East occurs on the east limb and axial regions. The Michel Head Pit lies on the east (west dipping) limb. A roughly north to north-northeast trending, west dipping thrust fault occurs near the west boundary (with Parcel 82, 082GSE023) of the property.
Historically, exploration in the area began in the late nineteenth century however the first documented activity on the property took place in 1971. In 1972, Kaiser completed road building, and geological mapping and sampling.
The Michel Head property encompasses the Taylor East occurrence and as of 2015, is being explored by CanAus Coal Ltd, a Canadian subsidiary of Australia’s CoalMont Pty Ltd. In 2013, exploration included drilling 23 reverse circulation holes and 2 large diameter holes totalling 3026 metres. In 2014, exploration consisted of drilling 15 reverse circulation holes, 4 large diameter holes, and 4 HQ core holes, for a total of 3304 metres. These holes were used to map coal seam rank variability, washability analyses, and coking coal characteristics (Coal Assessment Report 982). As of 2015, Michel Head is part of the Michel Creek Coking Coal Project being explored and developed by CanAus Coal Ltd. The initial focus of the Project is to develop the Loop Ridge Mine (MINFILE 082GNE009), with opportunities to expand to other areas.