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File Created: 26-Sep-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  28-Nov-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name SURE BET, DEWDNEY TRAIL, SB Mining Division Fort Steele
BCGS Map 082G083
Status Showing NTS Map 082G13E
Latitude 049º 48' 46'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 115º 35' 43'' Northing 5518760
Easting 601060
Commodities Copper, Zinc Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Sure Bet showing is located 33 kilometres northwest of the town of Kimberly and 2.2 kilometres east of the south end of Lazy Lake.

Numerous “stacked” quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins are hosted in gabbro that itself is hosted by graphitic and calcareous sediments thought to be Lower Aldridge Formation with rocks of the Fort Steele Formation to the immediate west. The sulphides consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. Old workings were found on the zone. During the fall of 2012 a prospecting program was conducted PJX Resources on their Sure Bet property (Assessment Report 33761). No rocks were taken for assay. The following information from Assessment Report 27318 describes previous drilling that appears to be at the same location as the Sure Bet.

In 1990 Cominco Ltd. conducted an airborne geophysics program over a large block of claims in the Estella - Kootenay King area (Assessment Report 20175) which included the area of the 2003 SB claims of Chapleau Resources. Cominco conducted a ground UTEM geophysics program which detected EM conductors (Assessment Report 20554). Also in 1990, Cominco drilled 2 holes to test one of the anomalies (Assessment Report 20841).

In 2003, as part of a larger program of gold exploration in the western-most Rocky Mountains including the area near the SB claims, Chapleau Resources Ltd. acquired the drill core from Cominco’s 2 diamond drill holes (DDH E-90-1 and E-90-2). Chapleau logged and analyzed parts of the drill core. DDH E-90-1 was drilled entirely in an altered gabbro or diorite, interpreted by Cominco Ltd. to be a dike. Only one sample had a gold value higher than the 5 parts per billion. This is from a 0.46 metre sample interval of the altered gabbro or diorite in DDH E-90-1 which included a 7-centimetre-wide pyrite and chalcopyrite -bearing quartz vein and a 12-centimeter-wide quartz-pyrite vein with a central core of massive pyrite. A 3.97-metre interval of the altered gabbro/diorite in DDH E-90-1, from 14.17 metres to I8.14 metre contained anomalous copper with values up to 0.36 per cent over 0.61 metre (Assessment Report 27318).

In 2012, PJX Resources conducted a prospecting program was conducted on the Sure Bet property. The Sure Bet property is part of the larger and contiguous Dewdney Trail property (Assessment Report 33761).

See the SB occurrence (082GNW120) 1 kilometre north, and the Wispy occurrence (082GNW121) 800 metres northwest of the Sure Bet.

EMPR ASS RPT 20175, 20554, 20841, *27318, *33761
EMPR OF 1988-14
GSC MAP 11-1960