The Wild Horse showing is located about 37 kilometres northeast of Kimberley and 700 metres east of Wildhorse River.
Cretaceous monzonitic to syenitic alkali feldspar porphyry stocks and dikes intrude shale units of the Cambrian to Ordovician McKay Group and dolomitic carbonate rocks of the Upper Ordovician to Middle Silurian Beaverfoot Formation. Massive sulphide veins occur in monzonite and syenite. Mineralization includes chalcopyrite and magnetite. This 3-metre-wide vein strikes 135 degrees with a 70-degree south dip. A sample (DD07-64) of the vein material graded greater than 1 per cent copper and 77.3 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 29942).
In 2007, Ruby Red Resources Inc. collected 364 soil and 72 rock samples about 1.5 kilometres (and further) to the northeast from the April showing (082GNW049), revealing new copper, lead, zinc, and silver mineralization on their Do Drop property (Assessment Report 29942). In 2008, Ruby Red completed work on their Do Drop/Wild Horse property on or near the Hot 1 (082GNW050) showing area. Work consisted of the collection of 445 soil samples and was conducted in the area of the new showings previously found in 2007 and over the Hot 1 showing to southeast (Assessment Report 30642).
Refer to Hot 1 (082GNW050) for related details.