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File Created: 21-Sep-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  29-Nov-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name WONAH Mining Division Fort Steele
BCGS Map 082G083
Status Prospect NTS Map 082G13E
Latitude 049º 52' 45'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 115º 30' 06'' Northing 5526258
Easting 607640
Commodities Silica, Quartzite Deposit Types R07 : Silica sandstone
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Wonah quartzite occurrence is located 1 kilometre northwest of Nicol Creek at the headwaters of the Lussier River, approximately 45 kilometres northeast of Cranbrook.

The Wonah quartzite prospect is reported to the main constituent of the Ordovician Wonah Formation (reported as an equivalent of the Mount Wilson Formation). The Wonah quartzite prospect covers an area of approximately 850 by 50 metres.

In 2015, MGX Minerals Inc completed geological mapping (approximately 15 hectares) and collected 12 rock chip samples. Surveying identified a series of white quartzite outcroppings that form 2 lenses, the 'Central Zone' that has been traced for approximately 500 metres, and 'South Zone' traced for 350 metres along strike. The Central and South zones consist of a highly competent quartzite unit that trends north to northeast, is approximately 50 meters in width, and has a steep east dip. An east-southeast trending fault occurs between the Central and South quartzite zones that has an approximate 200-metre sinstral, horizontal displacement.

A total of 11 rock chip quartzite samples were taken from the Central and South zones for whole rock geochemical analysis. It was reported by MGX that there was relatively good continuity of Si02 grades from the samples which were taken along strike of the Wonah quartzite. The Si02 values ranged from 98.9 to 99.9 per cent having an arithmetic average of 99.4 per cent Si02, and an average value of 99.69 per cent Si02 (Assessment Report 36088).

In 1990, South Kootenay Goldfields Inc. explored the area and commented on the Wonah Quartzite being of economic interest (Assessment Report 20754).

EMPR ASS RPT 20754, *36088
EMPR OF 1988-14; 1991-15
GSC MAP 11-1960