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File Created: 15-Sep-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  28-Nov-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name PENNY MAN G Mining Division Fort Steele
BCGS Map 082G051
Status Showing NTS Map 082G12W
Latitude 049º 32' 33'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 115º 56' 19'' Northing 5488303
Easting 576791
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types E04 : Sediment-hosted Cu
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Penny Man G showing is located roughly 19 kilometres southeast of the Sullivan Mine at Kimberley BC.

The Penny Man G showing area is underlain mainly by siltstone of the Middle Proterozoic Creston Formation (Purcell Supergroup) bisected by the northeast trending Palmer Bar fault. Several areas of stratabound and fracture-controlled copper mineralization were encountered along with quartz brecciation, bleaching and iron oxide fracturing. Several samples across the property were collected from veining with limonite and or base metals and chip sampling was completed locally.

In 2017, a 1-metre-wide section of siltstone with disseminated bornite was noted, along molybdenite rosettes. A grab sample of this material, (sample TK17-28) graded 0.18 per cent copper, 6.7 grams per tonne silver, and 19.1 parts per billion gold; molybdenum was negligible (Figure 4, Assessment Report 37642). Medium bedded fine-grained quartzite occurs to the immediate east of the siltstone layer.

In 2017, several days were spent prospecting by Kootenay Silver Inc across their Penny Man property. Several small pits were encountered on the property with no record existing of this work. Assessment Reports: 18885, 22073, 22884, 25008 reference the area with soil sampling and a limited ground magnetic survey performed on a portion of the existing claim block (in 2017).

EMPR ASS RPT 18885, 22073, 22884, 25008, *37642
GSC MEM 76, 228, p. 68
GSC P 37-27, p. 17
GSC MAP 15-1957
GSC MAP 11-1960