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File Created: 04-Aug-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  04-Aug-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name ARGYLE (L.10155), WOLF (L.3856), IMCO, CREEK Mining Division Nelson
BCGS Map 082F015
Status Prospect NTS Map 082F03E
Latitude 049º 08' 43'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 08' 20'' Northing 5443615
Easting 489871
Commodities Gold Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Argyle-Wolf (Creek vein) occurrence is located near the junction of Sheep and Waldie Creeks on the Argyle (L.10155) and Wolf (L.3856) Crown grants.

The area is underlain by sedimentary rocks of the Cambrian Laib Formation and Ordovician Active Formation, which have been intruded by granodioritic rocks of the Cretaceous Anstey Pluton.

Locally, as defined by drilling in holes 88-2 and 88-3, the Creek vein comprises a steeply south dipping, quartz-pyrite-pyrrhotite vein. Other drill holes in the area (88-1 and 88-6) intersected narrow quartz-pyrite veins and zones of shattered quartz with up to 20 per cent pyrite-pyrrhotite.

In 1988, IMCO Resources Ltd. completed eight diamond drill holes, totalling 1114.6 metres, on the Argyle (L.10155) and Wolf (L.3856) Crown grants area. Drill holes 88-2 and 88-3 are reported to have yielded intercepts of 27.42 and 14.26 grams per tonne gold over 0.61 metres each, respectively (Lane, R.A. (2017-08-17): NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Sheep Creek Project). The exact location of these drill holes is not known.

EMPR BULL 41; 109
EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 19-30; 1988, pp. 33-43
EMPR GEM 1969-384; 1970-491
EMPR INF CIRC 1988-6, p. 26
EMPR MAP 65, 1989
EMPR OF 1988-1; 1989-11; 1991-16
GSC MAP 51-4A; 3-1956; 1145A
GSC OF 1195
GSC P 51-4
*Lane, R.A. (2017-08-17): NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Sheep Creek Project