The Hillside (Pb-Zn zone) showing is situated approximately 30 kilometres west of Castlegar, north of highway 3.
Regionally, the property is underlain by Middle Jurassic Nelson intrusions, which are themselves intruded by the Middle Eocene Coryell batholith and numerous tertiary mafic dikes. The Nelson intrusions consist of porphyritic granite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, monzonite and tonalite with minor diorite. The Coryell intrusions consist of coarse-grained porphyritic syenite and lesser granite, diorite and monzonite.
Mineralization consists of pyrite±pyrrhotite±galena±sphalerite stringers and disseminations in silicified zones of sericite-altered granodiorite or quartz monzonite. These silicified zones are approximately north-south trending and are 0.5 to 2 metres wide. Local breccia outcrops with 2 to 4-centimetre fragments cut the granodiorite and host disseminated pyrite±galena±sphalerite; these have assayed up to 4000 parts per million lead and 5900 parts per million zinc (Assessment Report 27877).
Kootenay Silver discovered the occurrence in 2003 through prospecting activities. Between 2003 and 2005, Kootenay continued prospecting and mapping in the area.
In 2006, Astral Mining Corporation conducted a helicopter-borne geophysical (electromagnetic) survey on the area as a part of the JJ property.
In 2013, Astral Mining Corporation Ltd. undertook a detailed interpretation of past geophysical survey results, suggesting deep-rooted and extensive structural controls on geophysical anomalies and known mineralization (Assessment Report 33652).
After earning a 100 per cent stake in the Jumping Josephine property in 2014, Orex Minerals Ltd. conducted a prospecting, trenching, and drill program across the property, including work at MINFILEs 082ESE275, 082FSW408, 082ESE101, and a new MINFILE occurrence named BZT (082ESE289).
At the Hillside area (Pb-Zn occurrence), 2014 work included rock sampling, trenching, and drilling of 3 NQ holes (720 metres). Results of rock sampling returned elevated gold and silver values, up to 3.29 grams per tonne gold and 161 grams per tonne silver in sample Q646016 of a quartz vein. In the same area as 2010 trenching, 4 new trenches (totalling 930 metres) were excavated, intersecting weakly anomalous gold mineralization (up to 0.17 gram per tonne) in narrow quartz veins. Pyrite with traces of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena were observed in veins and structures generally striking north to northeast with a moderate to steep dip to the east. Drilling at the Hillside area intersected quartz monzonite and hornblende granite cut by mafic dikes. No significant zones of mineralization were intersected (Assessment Report 35457).