The Silver Hill showing is underlain by the Hadrynian Three Sisters Formation, of the Windermere Supergroup, which comprises quartzite, conglomerate and schist (correlative with the upper part of the Horsethief Creek Group). Within a few hundred metres to the west is the north trending contact with the Lower Cambrian Quartzite Range Formation composed chiefly of quartzite (correlative with rocks of the Hamill Group).
Three adits are developed on quartz veins that follow the sides of andesitic dykes that cut north striking, vertically dipping quartzites of the Three Sisters Formation. One vein up to 30 centimetres wide has been traced for up to 60 metres. About 30 metres higher up the bluff another fissure up to 1.8 metres wide contains some quartz. The quartz contains limonite and an unknown grey metallic mineral that is reported to be high in silver.