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File Created: 02-Dec-1986 by Brian Grant (BG)
Last Edit:  10-Jun-1991 by Dorthe E. Jakobsen (DEJ)

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Name YMIR GRAPHITE Mining Division Nelson
BCGS Map 082F025
Status Showing NTS Map 082F06E
Latitude 049º 17' 00'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 02' 34'' Northing 5458954
Easting 496889
Commodities Graphite Deposit Types P04 : Crystalline flake graphite
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Kootenay
Capsule Geology

The Ymir Graphite showing is located along the north fork of Porcupine Creek, 16.5 kilometres east of Ymir.

The area is underlain by black slate, black limestone, calcareous argillite and quartzite of the Middle Cambrian Nelway Formation. In the black slates, a well developed, steeply dipping cleavage parallels the northerly trend of the creek.

These slates contain fine flakes of mica and locally flakes of graphite on cleavage surfaces. It is considered that the graphite grade and tonnage potential is much too low to be of economic interest.

EMPR BULL 41; 109
EMPR FIELDWORK 1980, pp. 149-158; 1981, pp. 28-32, pp. 176-186; 1987, pp. 19-30; 1988, pp. 33-43; 1989, pp. 247-249; 1990, pp. 291-300
EMPR MAP 7685G; RGS 1977; 8480G
EMPR OF 1988-1; *1989-11; 1991-16
GSC MAP *51-4A; 1090A; 1144A
GSC OF 1195
GSC P 49-22; *51-4, p. 18; 52-13