The Sha North property comprises the Sha 24-28 claims, which are located on the north side of the Highway 3 corridor, not contiguous with the Sha (082FSE104) and Sha South (082FSE998) groups, but explored by Cominco contemporaneously with the Sun (082FSE127) group. The Sha North claims are on the south and west slopes of Mount Kitchener, about 5 kilometres northeast of McConnel (Kitchener).
The property is underlain by sedimentary rocks of the Purcell Supergroup of Middle Proterozoic age, intruded by gabbro sills and dikes of the same age belonging to the Moyie intrusions. The sedimentary rocks include thin bedded quartzitic wackes and argillaceous siltstones; geochemical values up to 400 parts per million lead and 475 parts per million zinc appear to be correlated with the latter. There is no description of sulphides present, but it can be assumed that they are likely pyrrhotite, galena and sphalerite.
The sedimentary rocks dip moderately to the east and are bounded to the west by the Iron Mountain fault and to the east by the Kidd Creek fault. Numerous minor northeast and northwest-striking faults have been mapped on the property.
During 2004 through 2012, Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (soil and rock) sampling and airborne geophysical surveys on the area as apart of the Iron Range property. A completed property exploration history can be found at the O-Ray (MINFILE 082FSE017) occurrence.