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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  15-Nov-1995 by Craig H.B. Leitch (CHBL)

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Name KOOTENAY Mining Division Nelson
BCGS Map 082F046
Status Showing NTS Map 082F07W
Latitude 049º 25' 00'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 116º 54' 04'' Northing 5473781
Easting 507172
Commodities Sillimanite, Andalusite, Kyanite Deposit Types P02 : Kyanite-sillimanite schists
P01 : Andalusite hornfels
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The rocks concerned, formerly identified as Lardeau series metamorphic rocks, occur over a large area on the west side of Kootenay Lake, mainly concentrated around the margins of the middle Cretaceous Bayonne batholith. As such, it is not realistic to assign a "showing" location; it is more an area, best defined by reference to Map 603A (to accompany Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 228) or Geological Survey of Canada Map 1714A. Sillimanite occurs with andalusite and kyanite in what are now mapped as Middle to Upper Proterozoic rocks of the Dutch Creek Formation (Purcell Supergroup) to Horsethief Creek Group (the "showing" location is in the former).

GSC MAP 603A, 1714A
GSC MEM 228, p. 21
GSC OF 929; 2721