The Moran property consists of three Reverted Crown grants (May Flower, Blue Bird and Last Chance, Lots 9356-9358 respectively) at elevations of 1920 to 2133 metres on the northeast ridge of John Bull Mountain near the head of Bluebird Creek, 30 kilometres west-northwest of Creston. The claims lie between the Bayonne (082FSE030) to the west and the Summit Bell (082FSE034) to the east.
The Bluebird claim was owned in 1910 by T. Moran and W. Gasnell. Development work had been done in a 7-metre crosscut adit which was expected to reach the vein in another 12 metres. The claims were Crown-granted to Moran and Gasnell in 1915.
The claims are underlain by granodiorite of the Mine stock, part of the Nelson intrusions of Middle Jurassic age. Gold-silver values apparently occur in a vein-type deposit (National Mineral Inventory 082F2 Au6). The surrounding area was explored more recently by Goldrich Resources (Assessment Report 16846).