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File Created: 28-Nov-1995 by Craig H.B. Leitch (CHBL)
Last Edit:  02-Dec-2014 by Laura deGroot (LDG)

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NMI 082F7 Gem1
Name MIDGE CREEK Mining Division Nelson
BCGS Map 082F036
Status Showing NTS Map 082F07W
Latitude 049º 22' 20'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 116º 49' 34'' Northing 5468850
Easting 512624
Commodities Beryl Deposit Types Q07 : Schist-hosted emerald
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

This particular beryl locality is just south of Midge Creek about 1.6 kilometres from Kootenay Lake (Rice, personal communication, in Geological Survey of Canada Economic Geology Series 23). Beryl was found in large blue-green crystals, with garnet, magnetite and black tourmaline in pegmatite dikes, which are reported by Rice (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 228) to be abundant in that part of the middle Cretaceous Bayonne batholith comprising granite and granodiorite.

EMPR PF (Prospectors Report 2001-16 by Lloyd Addie)
GSC EC GEOL *23, p. 61
GSC MAP 603A; 1714A
GSC OF 929; 2721
EMPR PFD 505753, 505763