The Verna occurrence is located on Woodbury Creek, approximately 450 metres west-northwest of the past-producing Vigilant mine (MINFILE 082FNE005).
The area is underlain by mudstone, siltstone, shale and fine clastic sedimentary rocks of the Cambrian to Devonian Index Formation (Lardeau Group). To the west these are overlain by limestone, slate, siltstone and argillite of the Upper Mississippian to Permian Milford Formation.
Locally, a limestone along with siliceous and limy mica schists hosts a mineralized quartz-calcite vein, up to 3.6 metres wide. The vein strikes 225 degrees and dips 80 degrees south, whereas the schist strikes 005 degrees and dips south at 30 degrees. Mineralization is comprised of bands and pods, up to 7.5 centimetres wide, of galena, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and minor chalcopyrite. Disseminated mineralization is reported between the bands in the schist host. Siderite is also reported. The vein is exposed on the east and west sides of Woodbury Creek, with most of the exploration being directed to the east side due to hazardous access on the west side.
In 1976, diamond drilling yielded intercepts of 2.83, 1.62 and 3.87 per cent lead, 2.05, 1.27 and 5.35 per cent zinc with 21.5, 8.2 and 20.8 grams per tonne silver, respectively, over 1.5 metres in hole CR-1; 4.32 and 6.00 per cent lead, 0.57 and 1.64 per cent zinc with 33.5 and 47.9 grams per tonne silver over 0.3 and 0.45 metre, respectively, in hole CR-3; 1.98 per cent lead and 3.22 per cent zinc over 0.83 metre in hole CR-5 and 0.91 per cent lead, 5.24 per cent zinc with 6.2 grams per tonne silver over 1.05 metres in hole CR-6 (Assessment Report 06582).
In 1977, a chip sample (48606) from the no.4 pit on the east side of the creek assayed 0.7 gram per tonne gold, 515.7 grams per tonne silver, 5.14 per cent zinc and 17.90 per cent lead, and a sample (48607) from the west side of the creek yielded 0.4 gram per tonne gold, 229.8 grams per tonne silver, 4.78 per cent zinc and 22.70 per cent lead (Property File - Cascadia Resources Ltd. [1977-04-22]: Report on the Verna Claim).
In 1978, a composite sample of the lower vein assayed 0.3 gram per tonne gold, 124.8 grams per tonne silver, 13.75 per cent lead and 3.73 per cent zinc (Property File - Cascadia Resources Ltd. [1979-01-24]: Summary Report on the 1978 Mineral Exploration Program - Vera, Dorthy and other Claims - Ainsworth property).
The occurrence was discovered in 1970 and staked as the Verna claim in 1975. The area has been explored since the late 1890s in conjunction with the nearby Vigilant (MINFILE 082FNE005) past-producing mine. In 1957, Cominco examined the area and completed a program of geological mapping. During 1976 through 1980, Cascadia Resources completed programs of geochemical sampling, geological mapping and six drill holes, totalling 444.0 metres. In 1986 and 1987, Noble Metal Group completed programs of soil sampling the area.