The Hob-Knob and Gold Hill showings are located on a ridge separating Sproule and Smallwood Creek, approximately 11 kilometres west of Nelson. The showings were initially discovered in the early 1990’s as a part of the Nelplat project and claims. In the 2000’s, the showings have been explored as a part of the Mammoth Property. A complete work history and information on related showings can be found in Assessment Report 31978.
Regionally, the area consists of laterally and vertically pinching narrow lenses of both upper and lower, Middle Jurassic Elsie Formation. The lower member is composed of massive flow breccias associated with sub-volcanic intrusions. The upper member is dominated by basic to intermediate volcanics and volcanoclastic rocks. The Elsie Formation is underlain by metasedimentary rocks of the Archibald Formation. The entire rock sequence of the Nelson area is overlain by the coarse clastic rocks of the Hall Formation. All units are intruded by mostly acidic rocks of two separate ages. The main intrusives in the area are the Cretaceous Nelson and Valhalla plutonic rocks. The regional metamorphism is on the order of lower to middle greenschist facies with chlorite and epidote as the main alteration minerals.
Locally, a repetition sequence of tuffaceous sediments with lenses of augite flows are in contact with granite and granodiorite rocks of the Nelson Batholith.
The Gold Hill showing is a strong magnetite-quartz and iron carbonate alteration zone with anomalous gold and molybdenite values of 65 parts per billion and 62 parts per million, respectively (Assessment Report 31978).
The Hob-Knob showing is mineralized with 3 to 5 per cent disseminated and blebby chalcopyrite and pyrite with malachite and azurite staining. Locally, up to 2 per cent massive sphalerite occurs.
In 1990, chip and grab samples from the showing returned values up to 5700 parts per billion gold, 12.6 parts per million silver, 230 parts per million copper, 1810 parts per million zinc, 34000 parts per million lead and 17 parts per million molybdenum (Assessment Report 20586).