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File Created: 31-Aug-1999 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  19-Mar-2014 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name CST, C.S.T. Mining Division Slocan
BCGS Map 082F064
Status Showing NTS Map 082F11W
Latitude 049º 38' 39'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 21' 35'' Northing 5499131
Easting 474030
Commodities Silver, Lead, Gold Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The CST showing is located north of Mount Kubin, approximately 15 miles southeast of Slocan.

Galena mineralization is hosted within north-trending, mineralized quartz veins, which occur in granite of the Middle Jurassic Nelson Intrusions.

In 1984, Ralph Casselman owned the CST claim and contracted Robert Schutz to complete prospecting and geochemical sampling. A sample of a vein assayed 2325 grams per tonne silver, 8.1 grams per tonne gold and 1.7 per cent lead (Assessment Report 12907).

In 1990, R. M. MacKenzie owned the Monument property, which encompasses the CST showing. He completed rock sampling near the CST showing.

In 2011, Dan V. Oancea owned the property and completed rock geochemistry. Several samples were collected near the CST showing, though only two float samples were assayed. Sample MC-10-17 assayed 2.1 grams per tonne silver and sample MC-11-04 assayed 3.5 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 32543). In 2012, he conducted geological mapping, prospecting and exploratory rock sampling on the property. Highlights include sample Mo3, which assayed 4.1 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 33497).

EMPR ASS RPT *12907, 20950, *32543, *33497
EMPR OF 1994-8
EMPR PF (Tellington, W. (1984): The C.S.T. Claims, a Geomorphic Analysis)