The Monument property is located on the north flank of Grohman Mountain (Monument Peak), 16 kilometres north of Nelson. Access is by way of logging road up Lemon Creek, 6.5 kilometres south of Slocan City.
The area is underlain by a remnant of metamorphosed sediments and volcanics of the Triassic Slocan Group within granites of the Middle Jurassic Nelson Batholith.
A quartz vein, averaging 1.2 metres thick, striking 123 to 140 degrees and dipping 30 to 40 degrees southwest, is traced for 300 metres. The vein contains scheelite, molybdenite and silver minerals. Other parts of the vein or other veins contain pyrrhotite, pyrite, galena and sphalerite. A 0.76-metre sample assayed 0.069 grams per tonne gold, 245 grams per tonne silver, 0.38 per cent lead, 0.91 per cent zinc, and 0.09 per cent bismuth. Another sample assayed 184.8 grams per tonne silver, 0.24 per cent lead, 0.78 per cent tungsten and 0.12 per cent bismuth (Assessment Report 18934).
R.M. Mackenzie held and examined the property in 1967, 1988 and 1991.
In 2011, Dan V. Oancea owned the property and completed rock geochemistry. Highlights include sample MC11-07, which was a grab sample of a vuggy quartz vein that assayed 554 grams per tonne silver, 0.75 per cent lead and 0.13 grams per tonne gold, and float dump sample MC-11-13, which assayed 50 grams per tonne silver and 1.96 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 32543). In 2012, he conducted geological mapping, prospecting and exploratory rock sampling on the property. Highlights include grab sample Mo-15, which assayed 0.43 per cent tungsten, and chip sample Mo-40, which assayed 420 grams per tonne silver and 0.37 per cent lead over 1.15 metres (Assessment Report 33497).