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File Created: 16-Jan-1996 by Gilles J. Arseneau (GJA)
Last Edit:  23-Jan-1996 by Gilles J. Arseneau (GJA)

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Name WINONA, SHADOW, NORJACK Mining Division Slocan
BCGS Map 082F094
Status Showing NTS Map 082F14W
Latitude 049º 56' 52'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 20' 17'' Northing 5532879
Easting 475746
Commodities Silver, Lead, Zinc Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Winona property is situated on the south side of Silverton Creek about 1.5 kilometres southeast of the town of Silverton in the Slocan Mining Division. The showing is at 850 metres elevation above sea level.

Regionally, the area lies on the western margin of the Kootenay Arc, in allochthonous rocks of the Quesnel Terrane. In the vicinity of the occurrence, the Quesnel Terrane is dominated by very fine grained clastic sedimentary rocks of the Upper Triassic Slocan Group that include locally weakly metamorphosed argillite, quartzite, limestone and some tuffaceous rocks. These sedimentary rocks are intruded by dikes, sills and stocks of varied composition and origin. Middle Jurassic Nelson intrusions are immediately south of the Slocan Group and are inferred to be the source of granitic sills and dikes found in the area. The Nelson intrusions comprise at least six texturally and compositionally distinct phases ranging from diorite to lamprophyre. The most dominant phase is a medium to coarse grained potassium feldspar porphyritic granite (Paper 1989-5).

On the Winona property the Slocan Group comprises massive to graphitic argillite, slate and quartzite. The strata are tightly folded, faulted and cut by a porphyritic granite stock probably related to the Nelson intrusions. The occurrence is hosted within a shear zone that strikes east. The shear contains minor silver-lead-zinc mineralization and oxidized pyrite. It has been explored with trenches and two short adits. A grab sample collected from a trench in 1973 assayed 1.37 grams per tonne silver, 0.33 per cent lead and 0.49 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 4609). Although not mentioned specifically, the lead and zinc values are probably due to minor galena and sphalerite veins within the oxidized shear zone.

EMPR ASS RPT 4033, 4537, 4649, *8237, 9588
EMPR EXPL 1980-88
EMPR GEM 1972-57; 1973-77
EMPR P 1989-5
EMPR PF (See 082FNW, General - Geological plan of the Silverton area, B.C. Department of Mines, 1966)
GSC MAP 273A; 1090A
GSC MEM 173; 184; 309