The Al showing is located within Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park, approximately 1 kilometre south of Wheeler Lake. Chopper Mines Ltd. prospected, trenched and sampled the Al claims in 1983. Auckland Explorations Ltd. optioned the claims in 1984.
The quartz veins, less than 5 centimetres thick, are hosted in potassium feldspar porphyritic granite. Two mineralized zones about 100 metres apart have been identified. The veins appear to trend northward but exposures are limited. Wallrock alteration is limited to 15 centimetres or less from the quartz veins. The veins contain galena, sphalerite and pyrite.
A sample taken in 1987 assayed 26.0 grams gold, 170 grams silver, 15.9 per cent lead and 3.3 per cent zinc (Open File 1988-11).