The Black Eagle property is located at the head of Woodbury Creek near Grey Eagle Lake, 25 kilometres east of Slocan City. Location of the property is uncertain and could not be confirmed in 1987 mapping. The property may include King Solomon (082FNW242). It is located in Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park.
The property comprises a group of some 35 claims and fractional claims lying on the headwaters of Woodbury and Landrum (South Fork of Woodbury) Creeks. The claims cover an area extending from Kane Peak east to Grey Eagle lake, north to Woodbury Creek at a point directly west of Sunset lake, and west to Woodbury Glacier. Three claims, the Dora, Flora, and Kotnen adjoin on the south, extending south from the east side of Kane Peak.
Seven claims and fractional claims lying along the north end of the area directly west of Sunset lake, were Crown-granted to the King Soloman Consolidated Mining Company, of Spokane, in 1904. Included among the seven claims are the Black Eagle (Lot 6266), Native Silver (Lot 6265) and Enterprise (Lot 6001). The Lucky Bill group, including the Lucky Bill (Lot 6276) claim, located just north and northwest of Grey Eagle Lake, was purchased by the company in 1901 from C.J. Johanson & associates, and Crown-granted in 1904.
Eleven other claims, mainly in the center of and to the south edge of the area were Crown-granted to D.H. Nellis, some in 1904, others in 1907 and 1911. Included among the Nellis claims are the Black Bear (Lot 6262), Glasier (Lot 6263), No. 1 (Lot 6002), North America (Lot 6269), Grey Eagle (Lot 7470), Kotnen (Lot 7472) and Dora (Lot 7473). It is not known who owned the remaining claims and fractions in the area, but probably they were held by either, or divided among both of the above parties.
There is no information on the nature of the showings or work done on the Nellis claims. It is not known if Mr. Nellis was in any way associated with the above company.
The King Solomon Consolidated Mining Company in 1904 owned about 60 Grown-granted claims on Woodbury Creek, a number of which were located at the mouth of the creek. The company is reported to have done considerable development work "upon some of the high-up claims". In 1902 it was reported that 76.2 metres of tunnel had been driven on the Black Eagle group. Development work was reported by the company from 1902 through 1912 and in 1910 they were reported to have considerable ore ready for shipment.
The target of exploration was quartz veining hosted by the Nelson granite.