The Democrat occurrence is located at 2072 metres elevation, 1 kilometre on the east side of Idaho Peak. New Denver, British Columbia lies 6.75 kilometres to the northeast.
The Democrat claim was Crown granted in 1897 to W.B. Cash and J.G. Steel. Lessees conducted property work in 1903 with the development of three short adits and several opencuts. It was owned by P.M. Stuart in 1952. The Crown grant was forfeited February 15, 1994.
The area is underlain by folded and faulted argillites, limestones and quartzite of the Triassic Slocan Group. The Democrat showing is underlain by limestone where a large dragfold, 61 metres long, is locally shattered.
Erratic patches of galena occur in fractures in the steep limb of the dragfold.