The Joyce property is on the north side of Memphis Creek, immediately north of the Homestake claim (L. 15283)(082FNW164), 1.5 kilometres east of the Slocan highway, 7 kilometres north of Slocan. The main workings at the elevation of about 1200 metres, are reached by a short jeep road from the highway. Location of the Joyce claim is unclear; it may also cover the Homestake. See also the older workings of Coronation (082FNW162) and V. & M. (082FNW191).
The Joyce property is similar in geological setting to the Homestake workings. It has been developed by one 9-metre adit, which was driven by the early prospectors. In 1971, bulldozer stripping uncovered a pocket of high grade gold-silver ore which was subsequently mined out and shipped to the Trail smelter. Production from 1967 to 1971 was 87 tonnes, yielding 260,643 grams of silver 1773 grams of gold 138 kilograms of lead and 120 kilograms of zinc.