The quartz veins are hosted in potassium feldspar porphyritic granite of the Middle Jurassic Nelson Intrusions. Veins are less than 5 centimetres thick at surface. Quartz is aphanitic to fine-grained, dark grey to milky. Vugs are lined with quartz crystals. Sphalerite is black to dark red. Some veins are banded and brecciated.
The Olsen (Lot 10054) was Crown-granted in 1911 to C.F. Olsen. Earlier work consisted of a 30-metre adit. The property is located on Olson Creek, a tributary of Coffee Creek, and adjacent to Kootenay Glacier Provincial Park.
In 1939, eight tonnes of ore yielded 27,868 grams silver, 31 grams gold, 906 kilograms lead, and 1050 kilograms zinc.
In 1987 a grab sample assayed 3800 grams per tonne silver, 4.9 grams per tonne gold, 0.14 per cent copper, 11.6 per cent lead and 33.7 per cent zinc (Open File 1988-11).
PBX Resources Ltd. acquired the claims in 1989.