The Molly claim is about 1 kilometre east of Ottawa Hill and 900 metres west of the Little Tim mine (082FNW157), 8 kilometres northeast of Slocan. Access to the area is by trail, west from the Little Tim mine road that connects with the Springer Creek road.
The workings of the Molly property one or two adits and a shaft. These explore a quartz vein cutting porphyritic Nelson granite. The vein strikes 050 degrees and dips steeply to the southeast. Samples of vuggy quartz are reported to contain considerable disseminated pyrite and silver-bearing sulphides (?) yielding good gold and silver assay results. In 1935, 8 tonnes of ore from a dump yielded 13,996 grams of silver, 160 kilograms of lead and 142 kilograms of zinc.